You’ll also find a case for a gun, but no gun in sight. On the table in front of you, you’ll find papers from one of Harry’s crewmates (who didn’t like him very much) along with some dice. Then, exit the hut and across the way to the next hut. Interact with it to hear the full recording. Now, head to the back of the hut and you’ll find a recorder you can play. From here, turn around and you’ll see another table with a paper on it referencing the ruin and a box containing another photo. Remember to flip them around once you get them. Head into the next hut over and you’ll find more photographs on a table to your left when you walk in. Norah will add them to her journal and they’ll come in handy later. You’ll find crates with “Everhart Expedition” on them - Harry and his crew have been here! Make sure to check out all of the tikis outside of these huts as well. Backtrack for now and head into the hut to the left of the ruin.

To your right, you’ll find a stone ruin with something missing from the floor. Continue following the path until you reach what looks to be a village.